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Galerie des animaux


This collection of paintings and drawings showcases the beauty and diversity of the animal kingdom, a blend of real animals and spiritual animals. Each piece captures the unique essence of its subject, from the majestic grace of wild predators to the serene elegance of domestic creatures. The use of color and texture brings each animal to life, inviting viewers to appreciate the intricate details and natural splendor of these remarkable beings. This collection is a testament to my deep admiration for animals and their ability to inspire awe and wonder.

“Gotta love your animal paintings. I look at them and see the inner beauty of that animal.” 

~Jeffrey L., Penssylvania, artist

Public Ar Project: Javelina's de Tubac


Original Size 36" x 24", 

Acrylic on Canvas

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints Available here.

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here

Dragon Swan


Original Size 22" x 30", 

Watercolor on Paper

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints Available here

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here



Original Size 32" x 40",

Acrylic on Poster Board


Here Kitty, Kitty


Original Size 16" x 20",

Acrylic on Canvas

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints Available here

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here.


Original Size 24" x 80", 

Acrylic on Board

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints Available here

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here

Night Owl

Original Size 16" x 20", 

Acrylic on Canvas

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints

Available here.

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here

On the Trail

Original Size 30" x 40", 

Acrylic on Canvas

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints

Available here.

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here

Penny, The Buffalo Calf

Original Size 35" x 42", 

Acrylic on Canvas

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints Available here

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here

Running Horse

Original Size 24" x 18", 

Graphite on Paper

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints Available here

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here

The Mind of the Horse

Original Size 18" x 24", 

Graphite on Paper

Original Donated To Therpeutic Riding Of Tucson (TROT)

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints Available here

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here

Vulture Head

Original Size 20" x 16", 

Acrylic on Canvas

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints Available here.

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here

Faucon blanc, 1990

36" x 36", stylo sur papier

Impressions giclées disponibles ici

White Wolf

Original Size 60" x 48", 

Acrylic on Canvas

Signed, Limited Edition

Giclée Prints Available here

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc.

Available here

Wild Horse

Original Size 18" x 24", 

Graphite on Paper

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints

Available here.

Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here.

Young Wolf

Original Size 25" x 37", 

Acrylic on Canvas

Signed, Limited Edition Giclée Prints Available here


Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Etc. Available here

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