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Cow Poke


    In the vast and arid open range of the Southwest, there lived a cow poke. With his trusty horse by his side, he roamed the desert tending his herd of cattle. He had weathered many storms and rode through countless sunsets.  A man of few words, he had a weathered face and calloused hands that told stories of hard work and resilience. He wore a wide-brimmed hat that shielded his eyes from the relentless desert sun and a worn heavy shirt that bore the marks of countless encounters with thorny shrubs and barbed wire fences.

  • Original

    This original is now available through the Tubac Center of the Arts Gift Shop. Add this to your collection for $175.00.  It is 5" x 7", acrylic on board, framed, ready to hang. If interested contact Suzanne Franz by email  or by phone (520) 398-2371. 

  • Limited Edition Prints

    Signed, limited edition giclée prints are available here.  

  • Unsigned Prints and Other Items

    This image is also available on unsigned prints and other items, such as coffee cups and pillows here.  

  • Contact

    If you have any questions, please Suzanne Franz, Tubac Center of the Arts, by email  or by phone (520) 398-2371. 

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